Senior Classes
School Years 9+
At senior level students continue to work on becoming an all round performer using a variety of strategies as well as building key life skills such as self-esteem, discipline and confidence. They also have the opportunity to apply to become a Student Assistant. Student Assistants have the opportunity to develop organisational skills, resilence and self evaluation by assisting the teachers in the younger children's classes.
Monday & Wednesday classes are held at Ardleigh Community Association, Hornchurch, RM11 2LG
5.45 - 6.30 Senior Musical Theatre
6.30 - 7.15 Senior Street Dance
7.15 - 8.00 Senior Drama
5.00 - 5.45 Senior Tap - Grade 4
5.45 - 6.30 Senior Performance Team (invite only)
6.30 - 7.15 Senior Ballet - Grade 5
6.30 - 7.15 Senior Tap - Grade 5
7.15 - 7.45 Senior Pointe/Body Conditioning
7.45 - 8.30 Senior Ballet - Intermediate
​Saturday - Benhurst Primary School, Hornchurch, RM12 4QS
3.00 - 4.15 Senior Jazz & Acro
Students are allocated a place depending on past dance experience. However, we do take each child as an individual and they may be moved into a different level which is more suitable for their ability.
All children are offered a TRIAL before signing up for classes.
We offer a range of strategies to progress ballet technique, flexibility and artistry skills. At senior level students also focus on demi-pointe and pointe work. We recommend that all students take two ballet classes per week if they wish to continue taking IDTA ballet examinations. Students also have regular opportunities to choreograph their own routines.
Tap classes focus on a range of tap styles and build on the foundations learnt in the earlier tap classes. Classes work on performance skills such as musicality, expression and timing. All students can continue to work through the ISTD grades.
Jazz showcase a dancer's individual style and originality and consists of unique moves, fancy footwork, big leaps and quick turns.
Acro Dance
Acro Dance develops fundamental acrobatic technique and teaching skills such as handstands, elbow stands, cartwheels, back bends and walkovers all at each student’s individual level of experience. We continue to develop each student using the Acrobatic Arts programme.
Senior Musical Theatre
Senior students continue to gain experience of acting through storytelling, games and improvisation. These techniques focus on improving eye-contact, focus and confidence. The voice lessons help vocalists increase vocal range and build vocal strength as well as develop multiple vocal styles and gain confidence for live performance. There are opportunities to learn song and dance routines and perform at various events.
Street Dance
Is fast paced and is perfect for children who love to dance to the latest pop tunes. They will learn new and funky moves which encourage creativity and build confidence. They will learn routine both as an individual and in a group.